Guardians of the Green Galaxy

In a galaxy far, far away
Where intergalactic creatures play
There was a planet, oh so great
With habitable zones and a balanced state

The aliens there had a different perspective
On life and love and being effective
They believed in taking care of their home
And not overusing or leaving it alone

They had a clinic for every need
And technology to plant a seed
In a nursery for saplings small
To grow into trees, big and tall

On Arbor Day, they celebrated life
By planting trees, to reduce their strife
A billion trees they planted each year
To keep their planet clean and clear

They had a breakthrough, a new consumption
Method, that didn't cause disruption
To nature's balance or creatures' lives
And helped them thrive, with positive vibes

So come and learn, young ones, you see
From the aliens of this galaxy
To care for Earth and all its beings
And keep it healthy, clean and green.


  1. How did the aliens on the planet celebrate Arbor Day, and why is planting trees important to them?
  2. What are some ways that the aliens take care of their planet and maintain its balance?
  3. Why do the aliens believe in using technology to plant trees and reduce their consumption, and how does this help their planet?
  4. What can we learn from the story of the "Guardians of the Green Galaxy" about how to take care of our own planet?
  5. Can you think of any ways that you can help take care of the environment in your own community?

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