Lost in the Enchanted Forest

Perseverance is the key,
To unlock your dreams, you'll see.
With every step, you will find,
The umpire's call will be kind.

You'll vie against the odds,
And work hard with all your squads.
You'll use your statistics well,
To reach new heights and excel.

Discrimination you may face,
But don't let it slow your pace.
You'll overcome any foul,
And rise above with a howl.

So be strong, young ones, and true,
Your goals are waiting for you.
Just keep pushing every day,
And success will come your way.


  1. What challenges did the young girl face in the enchanted forest, and how did she overcome them?
  2. What qualities did the young girl show throughout the story, and how did they help her on her journey?
  3. What lessons did the young girl learn during her adventure in the enchanted forest, and how might she use those lessons in the future?
  4. How did the enchanted forest and its magical creatures affect the story, and what would have been different if the story took place in a regular forest?
  5. What would you have done if you were in the young girl's situation, and what might you have done differently?

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