Rooted in Tradition: Tales from an Ancient Plateau

In ancient times, on a plateau high,
Lived a nomadic tribe, who roamed the sky,
They herded cattle, and grew their crops,
And practiced agriculture, without any stops.

In the midst of their land, a temple stood tall,
A place of worship, for one and all,
It was built long ago, in a dynasty past,
And it still stood strong, despite the years that passed.

The people spoke in dialect unique,
A language of their own, with a rhythm and beat,
They sang and danced, around the bamboo,
A plant so versatile, with many uses, it's true.

As time went by, their land grew strong,
And the industrial revolution came along,
Their agriculture improved, and their industry grew,
But they never forgot, their roots and what they knew.

So, let us learn from this ancient land,
To respect the earth, and lend a helping hand,
To care for our planet, and cherish it well,
And all that it offers, we must always tell.


  1. What kind of place was the plateau where the nomadic tribe lived?
  2. How did the tribe practice agriculture and grow their crops?
  3. What was the purpose of the temple that stood in the midst of their land?
  4. What is a dialect, and what was unique about the tribe's language?
  5. How did the tribe use bamboo, and why is it such a versatile plant?
  6. What did the tribe do when the industrial revolution came along, and why was it important for them to remember their roots?
  7. Why is it important for us to respect the earth and cherish what it offers?

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