The Resilient Village and the Twinkling Constellation

Once upon a time in the night so bright,
There was a constellation shining so light.
A quaint little village was below,
Where people lived and loved to grow.

But then something strange began to brew,
The stars up above started to spew.
Their light grew dim and the sky turned grey,
And the villagers all began to say:

"What's happening to our starry delight?"
They asked with looks that were incredulous quite.
But no one knew the cause of this plight,
So they went about their day and night.

But then one day, a man came to town,
And he had a plan that would bring stars back down.
He worked furtively, with a secret smile,
And soon the sky was shining with style.

The villagers were all resigned to the fact,
That their sky was now its old self, back.
And so they learned, through this trial,
That stars and hope can always shine bright and viable.

So remember kids, when the sky turns grey,
Just hold on tight, it'll be okay.
For even the darkest of nights will end,
And a new day, full of light, will begin.


  1. What did the villagers do when the stars in the sky started to fade?
  2. Who came to the village to help bring back the stars?
  3. What did the villagers learn about hope and resilience by the end of the story?
  4. What would you have done if you were a resident of the village and saw the stars fading?
  5. What message do you think the story is trying to convey to the reader?

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