The Marvelous Creatures of Our World

Mammals, big and small, roam the earth
With fur, skin, or scales, they show their worth
Some are carnivores, eating meat with glee
While others, the herbivores, plants do eat, you'll see

Bacteria are tiny, but play a big part
In our ecosystem, they have a crucial part
They help with nutrients, so plants can grow
And when the rain is scarce, they help to sustain the show

Droughts can bring challenges, to land and sea
But the creatures living there, find a way to be
They adapt to changes, in their special way
And continue to thrive, from day to day

Every species plays a role, in the web of life
Each unique and special, with no need for strife
Together they form, an ecosystem bright
A harmonious balance, that shines so bright.


  1. What are some of the different types of mammals mentioned in the poem?
  2. What is the role of bacteria in the ecosystem?
  3. Can you name a carnivore and an herbivore mentioned in the poem?
  4. What happens to the creatures during a drought?
  5. How do the species in the ecosystem play a role in the balance of nature?

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