Exploring the Universe: A Robotic Journey

Come and listen to a story so fun,
About a spacecraft flying up high,
With a destination far beyond the sun,
To reach a place where the sky is nigh.

It's a journey to the altitude so grand,
With a satellite that helps to guide,
A robotic crew on board, so hand in hand,
They'll explore the stars, side by side.

They orbit round the planet every day,
Collecting data and having fun,
Watching stars, that shining, far away,
And learning things that have never begun.

So dream big, young ones, and don't be shy,
For you too can go on this amazing flight,
And reach for the stars, up in the sky,
With a spacecraft, and a heart so bright!


  1. What was the destination of the spacecraft?
  2. What was the role of the satellite in the journey?
  3. What did the robotic crew do on their journey?
  4. What was the main purpose of the journey?
  5. What did the astronauts see as they orbited around the planet?
  6. What do you think you would like to learn if you were on this journey?
  7. How do you think the journey inspired the astronauts to dream big?
  8. Can you think of other things you could explore in outer space?
  9. What do you think space travel and exploration will look like in the future?
  10. Why do you think it's important to learn about our universe and explore space?

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