The Pharaoh's Legacy: Discovering Ancient History

A poem for young kids about ancient history:

Once upon a time, long, long ago
There lived a pharaoh, don't you know
His kingdom was grand, a dynasty so bright
And every night, he slept with might.

An archaeologist came to the land
To search for artifacts and take a stand
He found some hieroglyphics on the wall
Protruding from the stone, standing tall.

The pictures showed the pharaoh's life
And how they worshipped just one god, not five
For they were monotheists, you see
Believing in one deity.

The pictures depicted how they embalmed
Their dead, preserving them, they calm
And how they used their skills so fine
To leave their story, forever entwine.

Now every time we look at these finds
We learn about our past, our history combined
And how the pharaohs lived so grand
And how they shaped our world, first hand.

So let us take a trip back in time
And explore the artifacts that are so divine
And learn about our ancestry so grand
And the pharaohs who ruled this land.


  1. Who was the main character in the story?
  2. What did the archaeologist discover in ancient Egypt?
  3. What was the religious belief of the ancient Egyptians?
  4. What did the hieroglyphics on the wall depict?
  5. What was the purpose of embalming the dead in ancient Egypt?
  6. What did we learn about our ancestry from the story?
  7. How did the pharaohs shape our world?
  8. What is the significance of the artifact discoveries in the story?
  9. Can you explain the term "monotheist"?
  10. What would you like to learn more about after reading this story?

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