The Sleepy Caldera and its Geyser Surprises

In the land of fire and steam,
Where geysers spout and magma gleams,
There lies a caldera, vast and wide,
With a surge cloud soaring to the sky.

Once, it raged with molten heat,
But now it lies in slumber, sweet,
A dormant volcano, peaceful, still,
With a crater filled with debris on its hill.

But though it rests, it's never dull,
For the geysers burst, and the magma pulls,
And the surge cloud rises, white and high,
A reminder of the power that lies by.

So let's imagine, as we close our eyes,
The geysers spouting and the magma flies,
And the surge cloud surging, oh so bright,
In the land of fire and steam, where geysers light.


  1. What is a caldera and what is it filled with?
  2. Why is the caldera in the story considered "dormant"?
  3. What are geysers and what do they do?
  4. What is the surge cloud in the story?
  5. How does the surge cloud show the power in the land of fire and steam?
  6. Can you think of any real-life examples of geysers and calderas?
  7. Why do you think it's important to learn about geysers, calderas, and magma?

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