A Day Full of Playtime Delights

A Doll for a friend, a Jump Rope to play,
A Train that chugs by, chugging all day,
A Yo-Yo for tricks, it's such great fun,
A Car that goes fast, never on the run.

A Ball for a catch, or a game of tag,
A Bicycle for rides, through the fields we drag,
With these toys around, there's never a dull day,
Just laughter and joy, in every single way.

So let's play with our toys, and never let go,
For these memories will last, as time begins to grow,
We'll look back and smile, on these simple delights,
With our Doll, Jump Rope, Train, Yo-Yo, Car, Ball and Bicycle, in sight.


  1. What is your favorite toy mentioned in the story?
  2. Can you think of any other toys that you like to play with?
  3. Which toy would you like to play with the most today?
  4. What do you think the child in the story likes to do with each toy?
  5. Can you imagine a story about a day filled with your favorite toys?

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