The Comforts of Home: A Young Child's Delight

In the bathroom, there's a bathtub bright,
With bubbles, toys, and water just right.
Next to it, the sink stands tall,
Where we wash our hands and brush our all.

In the kitchen, there's a stove that's hot,
Where Mom and Dad cook all we've got.
And there's a big refrigerator too,
With drinks and food to keep us cool.

In the living room, there's a cozy sofa,
In front of the TV, where we love to watch'a.
And there's a lamp that shines so bright,
Making it just the perfect sight.

And in the bedroom, there's a bed so soft,
Where we dream the night away and rest our thoughts.
With pillows and blankets, it's just right,
For a peaceful slumber through the night.

So these are the things that make our home,
A place to be cozy and all alone.
Where we play and laugh, and rest with ease,
In this special place that we call "home", with peace.


  1. What is your favorite item described in the story?
  2. Can you describe your own bathroom and kitchen at home?
  3. What do you like to do on the sofa in front of the TV?
  4. How does the lamp in the story help make the living room cozy?
  5. Can you imagine what it would be like to sleep on a bed made of clouds?
  6. What kind of food do you think might be in the refrigerator in the story?
  7. What do you think a sink is used for in the bathroom?
  8. Can you think of any other items that would make a house feel like a home?

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