A World of Fun at Home

Drawing, running, singing, dancing,
Swimming, walking, sleeping, reading,
So many things to do at home,
Each one fun, and all our own.

When we draw, we can create,
Pictures of the things we love and the things we hate.
Running fast, we feel alive,
The wind in our hair, we can soar and fly.

Singing a tune, our voices rise,
Together in harmony, under sunny skies.
Dancing to the beat, we move our feet,
Twirling, spinning, our bodies can't be beat.

Swimming in the pool, we stay cool,
Splashing and laughing, it's such a thrill.
Walking in the park, we take in the sights,
Breathing fresh air, feeling so light.

Sleeping tight, our dreams take flight,
Adventures in our heads, through the dark of night.
Reading a book, we travel far,
To places we've never been, near or far.

So many things to do, at home,
Each one special, and all our own.
Let's have fun, let's play, let's be free,
For life is short, and meant to be!


  1. Which activity mentioned in the story do you enjoy the most?
  2. What is your favorite thing to do when you're at home?
  3. Can you think of any other activities you can do at home besides the ones mentioned in the story?
  4. How do you feel when you're running fast or singing a tune?
  5. Why is it important to have fun at home?
  6. What do you think the story means by "life is short, and meant to be"?
  7. Can you think of a time when you tried a new activity at home?
  8. How do you feel when you're sleeping and dreaming?

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