Fashion Fun: Exploring the World of Clothes

Pants and blouse, shorts and shirt,
Skirt and dress, they come in all sorts!

Some are long, some are short and sweet,
Different colors, patterns that you'll meet.

For running, jumping, and playing all day,
Comfy pants are the way!

Shorts are perfect for a warm summer's morn,
Feeling the breeze, you'll never feel torn.

A blouse so pretty, for a fancy tea,
With a skirt, you'll look so chic and free!

And when you want to feel extra special,
Put on a dress, you'll be unstoppable!

So pick your clothes with care and love,
Wear what makes you feel like a dove!


  1. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
  2. Can you name the different items of clothing mentioned in the poem?
  3. Which item of clothing do you think is the most comfortable to wear?
  4. Do you think the colors and patterns of clothes are important? Why or why not?
  5. What kind of mood do you feel when you wear your favorite outfit?
  6. Can you imagine a special occasion where you would wear a dress or a skirt?
  7. What do you think the poem means when it says "pick your clothes with care and love"?
  8. How does wearing different clothes make you feel like a dove?

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