The Many Talents of You and Me

Speak English so everyone can hear,
Speak quietly, show you care.
Ride a unicycle with ease,
Paint beautifully, with such art and sleight.

Dance gracefully, with moves so light,
Play the guitar, with a tune so bright.
Bake a cake, with frosting so tall,
Walk slowly, enjoying it all.

But when you need to go, don't be slow,
Walk quickly, don't let the time go.
And when it's time to make some noise,
Speak loudly, let your voice rejoice.

So many things you can do and be,
Just use your imagination and set it free.
You'll see how much fun life can be,
When you try new things and just be thee!


  1. What are some of the talents mentioned in the poem?
  2. What is the message of the poem?
  3. How does the poem make you feel about your own talents and abilities?
  4. Do you have any talents that you would like to try or learn more about?
  5. How do you think it feels to speak English, dance gracefully, or bake a cake?
  6. Can you think of any other talents that you have or would like to have?
  7. How does the poem encourage us to be creative and adventurous with our talents?

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