Chores Around the House: A Fun and Productive Journey

Do the laundry, do homework too,
Wash the car and see it shine so new,
Dust the furniture, make the bed with care,
Wash the dishes, clean your desk without a tear.

Set the table, with a smile and a giggle,
Mop the floor, until it's nice and wiggle,
These are all the chores we must do,
To keep our home so bright and clean too.

We might not like them at first, it's true,
But when we're done, we'll feel proud of you,
For you have helped to make our home so neat,
And kept it clean from head to feet.

So let's work together, me and you,
And make our home so bright and true,
For chores are fun and make us strong,
And help us all along, all day long.


  1. What are some of the chores that the poem mentions?
  2. How does the poem make chores seem like fun?
  3. What do you think is the purpose of doing chores?
  4. How does the poem make you feel about doing chores at home?
  5. What can you do to help keep your home clean and bright?
  6. How can working together make chores more enjoyable?

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