Treasures of Fun and Joy

Stuffed toy, so soft and true,
Bringing joy to me and you.
Novels, stories we love to read,
With adventures that take us indeed.

Ring, shining bright, so grand and bold,
A treasure that never grows old.
Video camera, capturing the scene,
Memories to last, a treasure machine.

Earrings, dangle with grace,
Adding beauty to your face.
Golf clubs, swinging with ease,
Playing the game with so much glee.

Necklace, hanging 'round your neck,
Adding sparkle that others expect.
These treasures, so special and dear,
Bring joy and happiness, year after year.


  1. What is your favorite treasure mentioned in the story?
  2. What kind of memories would you like to capture with a video camera?
  3. Can you imagine going on an adventure with a novel you have read?
  4. What makes a ring a treasure to you?
  5. Can you describe how earrings add beauty to someone's face?
  6. What is your favorite sport and how does it make you feel when you play it?
  7. How does a necklace make you feel when you wear it?

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