The Adventures of a Young Learner

Verse 1:
I want to learn so many things,
So many adventures that life brings,
From tying my shoes to flying so high,
I want to reach for the sky and touch the sky.

Learn, learn, it's what I want to do,
So many things I want to learn and see it through,
From ice skating to running a marathon,
Learning and growing, a shining star.

Verse 2:
I want to ride my bike with ease,
And write my name with such grace and ease,
I want to learn to walk and run,
And have so much fun under the sun.

Learn, learn, it's what I want to do,
So many things I want to learn and see it through,
From ice skating to running a marathon,
Learning and growing, a shining star.

Verse 3:
I want to learn how to read,
And explore the stories that I need,
I want to discover all the world has to give,
And learn to live with love and strive.

Learn, learn, it's what I want to do,
So many things I want to learn and see it through,
From ice skating to running a marathon,
Learning and growing, a shining star.

So let's learn and grow each day,
And chase our dreams in every way,
With every step we take, we'll be strong,
And our future will be bright, all day long.


  1. What is the young child in the story eager to learn?
  2. What are some of the things the child wants to do?
  3. What does the child want to discover about the world?
  4. What does the child want to achieve in life?
  5. How does the child plan to grow and become strong?
  6. What does the child hope to do in the future?
  7. What does the story teach us about learning and growing?
  8. What is the most important thing you learned from the story?
  9. How would you describe the young child in the story?
  10. How does the story inspire you to pursue your own dreams?

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