The Poke's Adventure: From Choke to Awoke

Once upon a time, a silly little poke,
Made a joke so silly, it was a big stroke,
Of laughter for all, as they heard it told,
The poke giggled and wiggled, young and bold.

But then came a day, when the joke was broke,
The poke started to choke, as it was no joke,
It was a serious matter, the poke couldn't cope,
Until a wise voice spoke and offered hope.

"Don't worry my dear," the voice calmly spoke,
"You'll be okay, just take a deep breath and soak,
In the peace that surrounds you, let go of the choke,"
And just like that, the poke's breathing awoke.

It felt light as a feather, like it had shed a yoke,
And the poke realized, sometimes we just need to awoke,
To the love and support, that surrounds us all,
And let our worries and fears, just fall like a ball.

So remember this story, dear friends that you'll hear,
When you feel lost or scared, have no reason to fear,
Just close your eyes, take a deep breath and awoke,
And trust in the love, that surrounds you like a warm cloak.


  1. What happened to the poke when it told a joke?
  2. How did the poke feel when it started to choke?
  3. Who helped the poke overcome its fear?
  4. What did the wise voice tell the poke?
  5. How did the poke feel after taking a deep breath and relaxing?
  6. What can we learn from the poke's adventure?
  7. What do you think would have happened if the poke didn't listen to the wise voice?
  8. How can you apply what the poke learned to your own life?

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