Sam the Surfer Joins the Beach Games Team

Once upon a time, there was a surfer named Sam who loved to surf on the waves of the ocean. One day, while surfing, he saw a group of people playing a game on the beach. They were playing a game of tag and the target was to swim to a tee in the water and back to shore.

Sam was curious and decided to join the game. He was a great swimmer and quickly caught up to the other players. The team was impressed with his swimming skills and asked him to join their team.

Together, they played a game of tag and had so much fun swimming and tagging each other. After the game, they all decided to play a game of tennis on the beach. Sam was a natural at tennis and the team was amazed at his skills.

From that day on, Sam became a regular member of the team and they all had many more fun games of tag and tennis together. They all learned that it was always more fun to play games as a team and to have friends who share the same interests.

The end.


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What game did Sam first see the team playing on the beach?
  3. Why did Sam decide to join the team?
  4. What skills did Sam impress the team with?
  5. What did the team and Sam learn by playing games together?

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