The Adventures of a Grinning Bin-Diver with a Fin and a Pin

A little poem for young kids to sing
With words that are short, and easy to bring
Let's start with "sin," that's not a good thing
Always do what's right, and spread love and peace, it will bring

Next up is "grin," when you smile so bright
It's like the sun shining on a summer night
Your cheeks go up, and your eyes so light
A grin can make everyone feel just right

"Thin" is a word that is skinny and lean
Like a pencil, or a branch that you've seen
It's not always bad, to be thin, it's serene
As long as you're healthy, that's all that's clean

A "bin" is a place where we throw things away
Garbage and trash, that's what we say
Keep our world clean, it's the right way
A bin helps us keep our world bright and gay

A "pin" is a tiny little thing
We use it to hold cloths and jewelry, it's a string
It's sharp, so be careful, and don't poke your skin
Use it wisely, and you'll always win

"Skin" is the coat that we wear every day
Protects us from harm, in every way
It comes in different colors, so don't you say
That one is better, love your skin, okay?

And last, but not least, is "fin," for the fish
It helps them swim, with a gentle swish
Through the water, they move with such grace
Fins are amazing, they set the right pace!


  1. What is the main character of the story and what does he do?
  2. Why is it important to keep our world clean?
  3. What is the purpose of the fin and the pin in the story?
  4. What does the skin do for us, and why is it important to love and protect it?
  5. What can a smile, or a grin, do for you and others?
  6. Can you think of other items or body parts that have a specific purpose like the fin, pin, or skin?
  7. What lesson did you learn from the story?

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