The Little Bird King

Once upon a time, in a land so fair,
Lived a little bird with feathers so rare.
With a fling and a flutter of its tiny wings,
It would soar and sing, spreading joy it brings.

It loved to cling to branches high and tall,
And watch the world from its perch so small.
It saw a king with a golden crown,
And a ring on his finger, shining bright like the sun.

The little bird wanted to be a king,
So it went on a quest, to find the perfect thing.
It searched and searched, high and low,
Until it found a beautiful shiny ring.

With a fling and a sing, it put on the ring,
And suddenly, it felt like a king.
It brought joy to all, with its song so bright,
And it lived happily, soaring with its wings in flight.

So if you see a little bird, fluttering in the sky,
Remember, it's a king, soaring up high.
Just like you, you can be a king or a queen,
Just believe in yourself and follow your dreams!


  1. What did the little bird want to be when it grew up?
  2. Why did the little bird go on a quest?
  3. What did the little bird find on its journey?
  4. How did the little bird feel when it found the ring?
  5. How did the little bird bring joy to others?
  6. What did the little bird learn about being a king?
  7. What does the story teach us about believing in ourselves and following our dreams?

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