The Magic of Words: A Story in Rhyme

A bell that rings so high and bright,
A sell that makes the market bright.
A smell that's sweet, a smell that's sour,
A tell that's meant to share a power.

A fell that's soft, a fell that's tough,
A shell that's smooth, a shell that's rough.
A dwell that's warm, a dwell that's cool,
A farewell that's not always cruel.

With these words we have a tale,
A story to entertain and regale.
So listen close and you'll see,
How much fun it is to be imaginative and free!


  1. Can you identify all the words in the story?
  2. Which word was your favorite and why?
  3. Can you think of other words that rhyme with the words in the story?
  4. What do you think the story is trying to tell you?
  5. What kind of story do you think this is (adventure, love, mystery, etc)?
  6. What kind of things could you tell using these words?
  7. Can you make up your own story using some of these words?

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