Breaking the Chain of Complaint: A Journey to Inner Peace

A Complaint that causes so much pain,
Can be a chain that drags us down the drain.
But if we look for the main reason why,
We can gain wisdom and watch our worries die.

When the rain starts to fall from the sky,
And we feel that old feeling begin to arise,
We should use our brain and explain,
What's causing this discomfort and so much strain.

We can break the chain of complaining every day,
By understanding the root of what makes us this way.
And then we'll find that our pain will subside,
And we'll be filled with peace and joy inside.

So next time when you feel the urge to complain,
Just remember this poem and the wisdom it contains.
And find the main reason behind your pain,
And you'll find happiness in the pouring rain.


  1. What is the main message of the story?
  2. How can understanding the reason behind our complaints help us?
  3. What can we do to break the chain of complaining and find inner peace?
  4. Why is it important to use our brain and explain our feelings instead of just complaining?
  5. What does the rain symbolize in the story?
  6. Can you relate to any of the characters or situations in the story? How?
  7. What can you do to put the message of the story into practice in your own life?

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