The Wonders of Words: A Claw, a Jaw, a Paw, a Law, a Flaw, and a Draw

A Claw, a Jaw, a Paw, a Law,
A Flaw, a Draw, what are they all for?
Let me show you, it's easy to see,
These words are all special, just wait and you'll agree!

A Claw is a part of a bird or a bear,
It helps them to grab and to hold things with care.
The Jaw is what helps us to chew our food,
And the Paw is what dogs and cats use to be good.

A Law is a rule, like stop at a red light,
It helps us to live in peace and do what is right.
A Flaw is a mistake, like a hole in a sock,
But don't you worry, everyone makes a little rock.

And finally, there's Draw, like a picture you make,
With a pen or a pencil, it's all up to your take.
So now you know all about these words so fine,
I hope you've learned something new, that's simply divine!


  1. Can you name all six words mentioned in the story?
  2. What does a Claw do?
  3. What is the purpose of a Jaw?
  4. What are Paws used for?
  5. What is a Law?
  6. What is a Flaw?
  7. What can you draw with a pencil?
  8. Why is it important to know about these words?
  9. Can you think of any real-life examples for each word?
  10. Can you create your own picture to illustrate one of these words?

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