The Joyful Adventure: Catching, Shouting, Laughing, Chasing, Crossing and Meeting

Catch, shout, laugh, chase, cross and meet,
All words that make us skip and tweet.
Let's go on an adventure so grand,
And hold tight to these words in our hand.

First, let's catch a butterfly in the air,
With our hands we'll reach without a care.
We'll shout with joy and laugh with glee,
As we watch it fly so effortlessly.

Next, we'll chase after a rabbit so fast,
We'll run as fast as we can and at last,
We'll catch it and give it a gentle squeeze,
And together we'll laugh and shout with ease.

We'll cross a bridge and meet some friends,
With whom we'll laugh and play until the end.
We'll hold hands and dance in a line,
And make memories that will always shine.

So catch, shout, laugh, chase, cross and meet,
Words that bring us happiness so sweet.
Let's live life to the fullest every day,
And always find ways to laugh and play.


  1. What did the children do in the story?
  2. What did they shout with joy about?
  3. What did they chase after?
  4. What did they do when they met new friends?
  5. What made them laugh in the story?
  6. What did they do when they crossed a bridge?
  7. Why do you think these words (catch, shout, laugh, chase, cross, and meet) are important in the story?
  8. Can you think of any other adventures you would like to go on with these words?
  9. How does this story make you feel?
  10. What do you think the message of the story is?

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