A Family Forever: A Poem for Young Hearts

A family so big, full of love and fun,
With grandpa and grandma, and all of our kin.
Our sister is sweet, and always so kind,
And our father is strong, and funny combined.

Our mother is gentle, a rock and a guide,
And our dad is the one who takes us for rides.
They love us so much, and we them the same,
Together we laugh and play silly games.

And our brother, oh our brother is bold,
He makes us all laugh with his tales that are told.
So when we are happy, or feeling quite blue,
We know our family is there, to see us through.

So here's to our family, with all of its parts,
With grandpa and grandma, dad, mom, and our arts.
We love you so much, and always will be,
A family forever, so strong and so free.


  1. Who are the members of the family in the poem?
  2. How does the poet describe each family member?
  3. What is the message of the poem?
  4. How does the poem make you feel about your own family?
  5. Can you relate to any part of the poem? If so, which part?
  6. What is your favorite line from the poem and why?
  7. How does the poem show the importance of family?
  8. What do you think the poet wants to tell the kids through this poem?

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