Dressed with Style and Grace

Socks and trousers, dress and shirt,
Clothing that covers and doesn't hurt,
Shorts for playing, running and fun,
Skirt for twirling, when the day is done.

Wearing clothes is what we do,
To keep us warm and look brand new,
From head to toe, they cover us well,
And they can be colorful, as you can tell.

So choose your outfit, with care and pride,
And show the world, you're dressed inside,
With style and grace, you'll light the way,
In your clothes each and every day.


  1. What are some of the different types of clothes mentioned in the story?
  2. Why do we wear clothes?
  3. How can we express our individuality through our clothing choices?
  4. How does the story encourage us to choose our outfits with care and pride?
  5. Can you think of a time when you felt confident and stylish in your clothing?
  6. What makes an outfit special to you?
  7. How does the story inspire us to show the world our inner selves through our clothes?

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