The Adventurers' Cozy Night on the Mat

Once upon a time, there was a mat
Where a hat, a rat and a bat sat
The rat liked to play with a ball of twine
While the hat always shone, so fine and divine

The bat loved to fly at night
With flapping wings, taking flight
The fat cat would just lay and nap
Dreaming of a feast, a juicy rat trap

But when the day was done and the sun set
They all gathered on the mat, no regrets
Snuggling together, they'd chat and purr
A happy ending to their adventurous spurr.


  1. What kind of animal is the rat in the story?
  2. What does the bat like to do?
  3. What is the fat cat dreaming about?
  4. What do all the animals do at the end of the day?
  5. Where do they all gather at the end of the day?
  6. Why do you think they are all happy and content at the end of the day?
  7. Can you think of another adventure that the hat, rat, bat, fat cat, and mat could go on together?

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