A Day of Adventure and Fun

Write a story, draw a picture too,
Sleep well at night, your dreams will come true.

Run fast, and jump with all your might,
Dance to the rhythm, it will feel so right.

Read a book, and learn something new,
Swim in the pool, the water is so blue.

Take a walk, and enjoy the view,
Sit down, and rest, that's what you should do.

So many things to do, so much to see,
Just use your imagination, and you will be free!


  1. What are some of the things the child does in the story?
  2. Which activity was your favorite and why?
  3. What do you think the child learned from reading a book?
  4. How did the child feel after swimming in the pool?
  5. Can you think of another activity that the child could have done in the story?
  6. Why do you think it's important to rest and sit down after doing all these activities?
  7. What does the story teach us about using our imagination?
  8. Can you draw a picture of one of the activities from the story?
  9. Why do you think the child's dreams came true after sleeping?
  10. What is a day filled with adventure and fun for you?

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