The Joy of Active Play: A Day of Sports and Games

Hockey, football, basketball too
Badminton, tennis, baseball too
There's so many games that we can do!

We can run and walk, play and ride
So many ways to stay outside
And have fun, from morning until night.

Let's grab a ball and take a shot
In basketball, let's give it our best shot
And if we miss, we'll try again a lot.

Or let's lace up our skates and play some hockey
On the ice, we'll feel so jockey
And score some goals, that'll be no mockery.

We'll hit some tennis balls across the court
And run and jump, let's show some sport
Badminton too, with feathers we'll sort.

So come on kids, let's have some fun
With all these games, we'll never be done
Let's play and play, till the day is done!


  1. What are the different sports and games mentioned in the poem?
  2. How does the poem encourage children to play and be active?
  3. What is the message of the poem for kids?
  4. Which of the sports and games mentioned in the poem do you like the most? Why?
  5. What would you like to play today after reading the poem?
  6. How does playing sports and games make you feel?
  7. Can you think of any other sports or games that you would like to play?
  8. How important is it for kids to stay active and play outdoors?
  9. Do you think playing sports and games helps in making new friends?
  10. What is your favorite part of the poem? Why?

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