Fashion Fun for Everyone!

A poem for kids, with clothes galore,
Of blouses, jeans, and shirts, and more!
A T-shirt for a casual day,
And sandals to run and play.

Shoes for walking, shoes for school,
Skirts for twirling, that's so cool!
Trousers for a dressier look,
And a jumper for a cozy nook.

Each piece of clothing, special and unique,
Helps us show the world what we seek.
So mix and match, and have some fun,
And wear your clothes with pride, one by one!


  1. What are some of the different types of clothing mentioned in the poem?
  2. What does the poem say about wearing clothes with pride?
  3. Can you name an item of clothing that you like to wear the most?
  4. Why is it important to mix and match different pieces of clothing?
  5. How can clothing help you show the world what you want to express?
  6. Do you think it's fun to express yourself through fashion? Why or why not?
  7. Can you think of any other types of clothing that could be added to the poem?

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