The Snail's Adventure: A Journey Through the Buggy World

Once upon a time, there was a snail,
Slowly crawling on its trail.
Along the way, he saw a fly,
Zipping by, up in the sky.

Next, he spotted a ladybug,
With her red and black spotted rug.
She was crawling on a leaf,
And it seemed she was searching for a thief.

An ant came marching by,
Carrying crumbs with a cheerful sigh.
The snail watched as he walked away,
Wishing that he could move that way.

A spider was spinning its web,
As delicate as an artist's brush stroke in red.
The snail looked up with a little awe,
And wondered how the spider saw.

A beetle came buzzing by,
With a shiny, green and brown hue, oh my!
It was followed by a caterpillar,
Wriggling and jiggling, so much in a thrill-her!

A dragonfly flitted by,
With wings that sparkled in the sky.
The snail smiled as he looked up high,
And saw a mosquito flying by.

So, that's the story of the snail,
Who took a walk and saw them all.
And now you know, just like the snail,
That the world is full of creatures so cool!


  1. What kind of insects did the snail see on his journey?
  2. Who was the fastest insect the snail encountered?
  3. What did the snail learn from the spider's web?
  4. How did the snail feel about his journey at the end of the story?
  5. Can you name one thing that you learned about insects from the story?
  6. Which insect do you think you would like to be if you could be any of them? Why?
  7. What other kinds of adventures do you think the snail might go on?
  8. Can you draw a picture of the snail on his journey?

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