A World of Play: Exploring Fun with Bike, Car, Kite, Ball, Doll, and Robot

Bike, car, kite, ball, doll, robot, oh my!
So many things for kids to play and try.

Ride a bike and feel the wind in your hair,
Or hop in a car and take it anywhere.

Fly a kite up in the sky so blue,
And watch it dance as the wind blows it through.

Kick a ball, it's fun and it's free,
Or play with a doll, imagine and see.

And when you want to play with something new,
A robot friend is waiting just for you.

With so many things to do and explore,
You'll never be bored, that's for sure!


  1. What is your favorite toy or object from the story? Why do you like it?
  2. If you could take one of the toys on an adventure, where would you go and why?
  3. How could you imagine playing with each of the toys in the story together?
  4. What other toys or objects would you like to add to the story? Why?
  5. Can you think of any real-life experiences that are similar to playing with bike, car, kite, ball, doll, and robot?
  6. What does the story teach us about the importance of play and imagination?

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