A Body Full of Wonders: Exploring Our Parts

Nose, head, and mouth, oh what a mix!
With hands to play, and ears to listen, tricks.
Fingers to feel, eyes to see,
All of these parts make a person, just like me!

The nose knows scents, both good and bad,
And the head holds the thoughts, that aren't so sad.
The mouth speaks words, both happy and shy,
And the hands help us do, things that are nigh.

The ears hear sounds, from near and far,
And the fingers help us, play our guitar.
The eyes see sights, both bright and dim,
And the knee helps us, to jump and swim!

So these are the parts, that make us complete,
A nose, head, mouth, hands, ears, fingers, eyes, and feet!


  1. What are the different parts of the body mentioned in the poem?
  2. What does each part of the body do?
  3. Can you think of a different function for any of the body parts mentioned in the poem?
  4. What do you think is the most important part of the body mentioned in the poem? Why?
  5. Can you think of a situation where you would use each of the body parts mentioned in the poem?
  6. How do all the parts of the body work together to make a person?
  7. Do you think all animals have similar body parts as humans? If not, what might be different?
  8. Can you think of any other parts of the body not mentioned in the poem?
  9. How does having all these body parts make us special and unique?

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