Playtime Treasures: A Collection of Fun

A teddy bear to hold so tight,
A Barbie doll dressed up just right.
A school bus to take us away,
Comic books to brighten our day.

With paper and pen, we'll make art,
A jigsaw puzzle to fit each part.
A story book with tales untold,
And a chess set, so brave and bold.

These toys bring us so much joy,
And fill our days with love and joy.
So let's hold them tight, one and all,
And have fun until we fall!


  1. Which toy is your favorite and why?
  2. Can you think of any other toys that bring you joy?
  3. What kind of adventures do you imagine the teddy bear, Barbie doll, and school bus having together?
  4. What kind of story would you write with the pen and paper in the story?
  5. How do you think playing with these toys helps children learn and grow?

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