The Veggie Delight Salad

A yummy salad we will make,
With veggies that are fresh and great,
We'll chop and dice with care,
To make a dish beyond compare.

First up is garlic, pungent and bold,
Adding flavor that's worth its weight in gold,
Next we'll add some pepper so fine,
To give it a kick that's simply divine.

Then comes the carrot, crisp and sweet,
Adding color to make it complete,
With onions that are white and mild,
This dish is sure to make your taste buds thrilled.

And let's not forget the cucumber too,
Adding crunch to the salad, it's true,
Potatoes and corn, both soft and bright,
Making this dish a delight.

So come and taste this veggie treat,
I promise you it can't be beat,
With all these ingredients, it's no wonder,
This salad is a true joy and a feast of flavor!


  1. What are the different veggies used to make the salad in the story?
  2. Can you think of any other veggies that could be added to the salad?
  3. How do the different ingredients contribute to the flavor and texture of the salad?
  4. How do you think the salad would taste if you added some fruit to it?
  5. What do you think the garlic, pepper, and other seasonings add to the salad?
  6. Do you think this salad would be a good lunch option for kids? Why or why not?

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