A Celebration of Creatures Great and Small

A jellyfish dances in the sea,
With long, flowing tentacles so free.
It drifts and flows with every tide,
A marvel of the ocean wide.

A bee buzzes through the summer air,
Collecting nectar everywhere.
It works so hard with little rest,
To make sweet honey that is best.

A beaver builds a dam with care,
To keep the water there.
It uses sticks and mud so strong,
And works all day and all night long.

A fly flits and dances in the light,
With wings that flutter left and right.
It flies and buzzes all around,
A tiny creature, light as a feather, it's found.

A seahorse swims so gracefully,
With a tail that flows so readily.
It sways and dances in the sea,
A graceful creature, proud and free.

And last, but not least, is the ladybug,
With spots so red and cute as a hug.
It crawls and flies with wings so fine,
A cute and colorful bug that is divine.

So here's a poem of creatures great and small,
With so many different shapes and sizes, tall and small.
Each one unique and wonderful in its own way,
Bringing joy to children every single day.


  1. What is special about each creature in the story?
  2. Can you think of any other creatures that are just as unique?
  3. Which creature in the story do you like the most and why?
  4. Do you think all creatures are important and why?
  5. What makes each creature special in its own way?

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