The Ant and the Baby: A Sweet Friendship Tale

Once upon a time in a book we'd read,
Of an ant who was tiny, but full of great deeds.
He worked hard, carrying crumbs with such might,
And one day, he found a delicious cookie in sight.

He tried to cut it with his tiny ant knife,
But it was too big for him, causing him strife.
A baby came along and offered a hand,
And together, they shared the cookie, so grand.

And as they ate, the baby gave a great smile,
And the ant felt happy, all the while.
They continued their journey, hand in hand,
And soon came across an apple so grand.

So they cut it up and shared it with glee,
Enjoying each bite, so sweet and so free.
This friendship, so pure, will never grow old,
A bond between a baby and an ant, so bold.

So, kids, remember, no matter how small,
Friends come in all shapes and sizes, that's all.
And if you're kind and helpful, just like that ant,
You'll make friends and memories, that's what I grant!


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. Who helped the ant cut the cookie?
  3. What did the baby and the ant do together?
  4. How did the ant feel when the baby offered to help?
  5. Why do you think the ant and the baby became friends?
  6. What did the baby and the ant share together?
  7. What did you learn from this story about friendship?

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