The Adventures of Seven Best Friends

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived seven best friends named Medium, Miniature, Short, Small, Tall, Tiny and Wide. They were all different in size and shape, but they were the best of friends.

One day, they decided to go on an adventure to explore the nearby forest. As they walked through the dense forest, they came across a beautiful stream. They decided to take a break and rest by the stream.

As they sat down, Medium suggested they play a game of hide and seek. They all agreed and Short was chosen to be the seeker. Short counted while the others hid.

Tall hid behind a tall tree, Tiny hid behind a tiny bush and Wide hid behind a wide rock. Miniature found a miniature cave to hide in, while Small found a small crevice to squeeze into. Medium found a medium-sized tree to hide behind.

When Short finished counting, he started looking for his friends. He found Tall first, then Tiny, Wide and Miniature. But he couldn’t find Small and Medium. He searched high and low but they were nowhere to be seen.

Just then, Medium and Small appeared from behind the stream. They had found a secret path that led to a hidden waterfall. They called out to Short and the others, inviting them to come and see the beautiful waterfall.

The friends were amazed by the stunning waterfall and they spent the rest of the day exploring and playing by the stream. They all agreed that it was the best adventure they had ever been on and they would never forget it.

From that day on, the seven friends had many more adventures together and they always had each other’s backs, no matter how different they were in size and shape.

The End.


  1. Who were the seven best friends in the story?
  2. How were they different from each other?
  3. What game did they play in the forest?
  4. Who was chosen to be the seeker in the game?
  5. Where did Medium and Small find while playing hide and seek?
  6. What did the friends do at the end of the story?
  7. Why were the friends' adventures so special to them?

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