The Wonders of Different Skins

Skin is what covers our bodies, it keeps us warm and protects us too,
On mammals it's covered in fur, so soft and smooth it feels brand new.
Gills help fish breathe underwater, they swim and play with ease,
Feathers help birds soar the skies, they glide with such a breeze.

Fins help fish swim through the water, they're built to swim with might,
Nests are homes for birds and bumblebees, where they rest at night.
Body shapes vary in this world, from short and round to long and lean,
Amphibians have smooth skin, they live on land and in the stream.

Scales cover reptiles and protect them from harm,
And in a hive the bees work together, keeping each other warm.
So many different creatures, each with its own unique skin,
Living in the world, all with their own lives to begin.


  1. What is skin?
  2. What are some things that skin can do?
  3. What are some differences between the skin of mammals and fish?
  4. Why do birds have feathers?
  5. Why are fins important to fish?
  6. What is a nest and what is it used for?
  7. Why do reptiles have scales?
  8. Why is it important for bees to work together in a hive?
  9. What makes each creature in the world unique and special?
  10. Can you think of any other examples of creatures with different skin adaptations?

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