Twinkling Lights in the Dark Night Sky

In the dark of night, stars shining bright,
Up high in the sky, twinkling so bright,
And down low on the ground, fireflies take flight,
Making the darkness seem not so far.

The moon is distant, but still in sight,
A glowing orb, shining so bright,
And yet the stars are still in sight,
As if they were close, near and light.

The stars keep shining, through the darkest night,
Guiding us, with their shining light,
And even though they're far, they're in sight,
Bringing comfort and joy, through the night.

So let's look up, high in the sky,
And see the stars, shining bright,
And know that even though they're far and high,
Their light will always be near and bright.


  1. What do the stars symbolize in the story?
  2. Why does the author use the word "dark" to describe the night sky?
  3. Why do you think the fireflies are important in the story?
  4. What does the moon represent in the story?
  5. Can you think of a time when you saw stars shining bright in the night sky? How did it make you feel?
  6. What do you think would happen if the stars didn't shine at night?
  7. Can you think of other things that bring comfort and joy, like the stars do in the story?

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