Chirpy and the Oily Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Chirpy. Chirpy lived in a gritty city and was always covered in dust and grime.

One day, Chirpy decided to take a bath to get rid of all the dirt. Chirpy found a puddle of mild water and jumped in. The water was just right, not too hot or too cold, and it was moist enough to clean all the grime off Chirpy's feathers.

But as Chirpy was drying off, it noticed that its feathers were feeling oily. Chirpy didn't like the feeling at all. It looked around and found the source of the oil – a leaky car engine!

Chirpy knew that the oil was bad for the environment and all the other animals that lived there. So, it decided to do something about it. Chirpy gathered all its friends and together, they worked to clean up the oil spill.

After hours of hard work, the city was clean again and Chirpy's feathers were no longer oily. Chirpy and its friends felt proud of what they had accomplished and they all lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. Why did Chirpy take a bath?
  2. How did Chirpy feel after it was covered in oil?
  3. What did Chirpy and its friends do to clean up the oil spill?
  4. How did Chirpy and its friends feel after they cleaned up the oil spill?
  5. Why was it important for Chirpy and its friends to clean up the oil spill?

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