The Gorilla's Fruit Adventure

A gorilla swings from vine to vine,
In search of fruit that's sweet and fine.
A flower blooms beside the track,
A brilliant burst of red and black.

The jellyfish swims in the sea,
Its tentacles all soft and free.
A hat is perched upon its head,
And all around, fish swim and play in bed.

The sun is hot, the sky is blue,
The grapes are ripe, the colors too.
With every step, the gorilla jumps,
And reaches for the fruit that plumps.

So come and join this joyous scene,
Where nature dances and loves to play.
A world of wonder, yours to see,
So take a leap and come and play!


  1. What is the gorilla searching for in the jungle?
  2. Who does the gorilla meet on its adventure?
  3. Why is the sun hot in the story?
  4. What does the hat symbolize in the story?
  5. Why is the jellyfish swimming in the sea?
  6. What is the significance of the flower in the story?
  7. How does the gorilla feel when it finds the grapes?
  8. What is the message of the story?

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