The Adventures of the Wild Ones

Once upon a time in a land so green,
Lived creatures that you might have seen.
A kangaroo with a pouch so snug,
Hopping around with a joyful thud.

A monkey swinging from tree to tree,
Grinning from ear to ear, oh glee!
With a key to a secret place,
A special hideout with a smile on his face.

An octopus with eight arms so long,
Swimming in the ocean all day long.
A mouse with tiny feet and a twitching nose,
Sneaking around, finding new things to know.

A lion, king of the jungle and proud,
Roaring so loud, his voice echoes out loud.
With a nose so strong and a scent so true,
He'll find his prey, and he'll catch it too.

A lemon, sweet and juicy and bright,
Adding a burst of flavor with one little bite.
And noodles, slippery and soft and gold,
A tasty treat, easy to make and hold.

So now you've met these creatures so grand,
Each one unique and simply just grand.
So next time you see them, don't be shy,
Just say hello, and watch them fly!


  1. Can you name all of the animals in the story?
  2. Which animal do you think is the bravest?
  3. Which animal do you think is the cleverest?
  4. What do you think the mouse might be searching for with its twitching nose?
  5. What do you think the key in the story might be for?
  6. Can you imagine what the secret place of the monkey might look like?
  7. How would you describe the flavor of a lemon?
  8. What do you think the noodles in the story might taste like?

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