The Lesson of the Simple Solution

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a king who loved all things fancy and elaborate. He had a palace that was filled with intricate designs and decorations. The king was very proud of his palace and loved showing it off to visitors.

One day, a simple peasant named Jack came to the palace to ask for the king's help. The king was not used to seeing plain and simple people like Jack, but he decided to hear him out. Jack told the king about his village, which was facing a hard problem. The river that flowed through the village was becoming polluted, and the villagers were getting sick.

The king was shocked to hear this and decided to help. He gathered his best engineers and asked them to come up with a solution to the problem. The engineers presented the king with two options: they could build a fancy and elaborate filtration system, or they could build a simple and pure solution.

The king was torn. On one hand, he loved all things fancy and elaborate, but on the other hand, he knew that sometimes the obvious solution was the best one. After much thought, the king decided to go with the simple and pure solution. He realized that the plain and straightforward solution would be more effective and would help the villagers more.

The simple and pure solution worked wonders. The river was cleaned, and the villagers were no longer getting sick. The king was happy that he had made the right decision, and he learned an important lesson. He realized that sometimes, the simplest solution is the best one, and that fancy and elaborate things are not always necessary.

From that day on, the king lived a more simple life, and he was much happier for it. He passed on the lesson he learned to the people of his kingdom, and they lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. Why did the king decide to help the village with the polluted river?
  2. What were the two options presented to the king to solve the village's problem?
  3. Why did the king choose the simple and pure solution over the elaborate one?
  4. How did the simple solution help the villagers?
  5. What lesson did the king learn from this experience?
  6. Do you think the king was happy with his decision to choose the simple solution? Why or why not?
  7. Can you think of a time when you had to choose between a simple or elaborate solution to a problem?
  8. What did you learn from that experience?

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