The Adventure of Play

Skip and jump with joy, have fun and play,
Volleyball is one game that's here to stay.
Sing a song and dance with glee,
Play the piano beautifully.

Chess is a game of strategy and thought,
Cooking up yummy meals that can't be bought.
Ride a bike or scooter, go with a flow,
Swimming in the pool, watch the colors glow.

Skate and glide with ease on ice or street,
Tennis is a sport that can't be beat.
Badminton is a game of skill and speed,
So much to do, so much to heed.

So pick your game, young one, and have some fun,
Life is an adventure, just begun!


  1. What are some of the games and activities mentioned in the story?
  2. Which game or activity do you like the most and why?
  3. What does the story teach us about life and play?
  4. Can you think of any other games or activities you would like to try?
  5. How does playing games and being active make you feel?
  6. Can you think of any other benefits of playing and being physically active?

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