The Magic of the Forest Resort: A Winter Wonderland Adventure

In a forest far, far away,
There's a holiday resort that's here to stay,
With wooden cabins, snug and tight,
It's the perfect place to spend the night.

The workers hustle and bustle all day,
Making sure the resort's in great display,
From desk to ski slopes, they do their part,
Helping tourists have a blast from the start.

In the winter, skidoos come alive,
Zipping through the woods, they surely thrive,
Tourists ride with glee and delight,
Taking in the beauty of the night.

When Christmas time arrives, with a jingling bell,
The resort transforms, like magic from a spell,
An elf appears, to spread some cheer,
Adding joy to this special time of year.

The skiing here is the best you'll find,
With a coach to guide you, of this you'll be reminded,
So come one, come all, and join the fun,
At this holiday resort, where the good times come.


  1. What kind of holiday resort is described in the story?
  2. What kind of activities are available at the resort during the winter?
  3. Who helps tourists at the resort and what do they do?
  4. What happens when Christmas arrives at the resort?
  5. Who makes sure the resort is always in good condition?
  6. What makes the resort special and worth visiting?
  7. Can you describe one of the cabins mentioned in the story?
  8. What is the role of the elf in the story?
  9. How does the coach help the tourists?
  10. Can you think of an activity you would like to do at the resort?

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