A Winter Night's Magic

A Candle that flickers and glows,
In the hands of an Elf that grows,
With a twinkle in his eye so bright,
He brings Santa Claus into sight.

Santa’s hat is red and round,
With a jingle that makes a joyful sound,
The Bells on his sleigh ring loud,
As he flies through the wintery shroud.

The Snowman stands tall and white,
With his arms spread wide, so bright,
He greets Santa Claus with glee,
As he brings joy to all, you’ll see.

By the Fireplace, we gather near,
Watching the Snowflakes fall so clear,
With laughter, love, and holiday cheer,
We make memories that we hold dear.

So light your Candle and join the fun,
With Elves, Santa Claus, and everyone,
In this wondrous winter night,
Where everything is merry and bright!


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What is the role of the candle in the story?
  3. What does the Elf do in the story?
  4. Who brings joy to everyone in the story?
  5. What is the Snowman's shape and color?
  6. What is the significance of the bells in the story?
  7. What is the significance of the snowflakes in the story?
  8. What do the people do near the fireplace?
  9. Can you think of any other holiday characters that could have been in the story?
  10. What is the overall message of the story?

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