The Adventures of a Young Pirate and Friends

Brush your teeth, it's time to play,
Put on your pirate hat today!
Set sail on the ocean blue,
Find some treasure, it's up to you!

Drive a jeep across the land,
With a robot by your hand.
Find a fairy in a tree,
And pick an orange just for me!

With so many things to do,
It's a wonder kids like you
Can have so much fun and play,
Every single day, hooray!


  1. Who is the main character in the story and what do they like to do?
  2. Who are the friends that join the main character on their adventure?
  3. What kind of vehicle do they use to travel?
  4. What is the main character's treasure hunt all about?
  5. Why is it important to brush your teeth in the story?
  6. What other things do they do while they are on their adventure?
  7. What did you like best about the story? Why?

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