A Dream of Love and Equality: A Journey Towards Peace

Dreaming of a world of love and peace,
Where equality is never cease,
Where everyone is free and bright,
And their faces shine with pure delight.

No more wars with bombs and guns,
No more hurtful shouting, no more runs,
Just a world where we can all be,
Together in harmony, you and me.

We can hold hands and sing a song,
Of a world where right is always strong,
And if we see something isn't fair,
We'll protest with love and gentle care.

So let us dream and never stop,
Until this world becomes our top,
And we'll fill it with love and peace,
Where everyone has equal rights, release!


  1. What does the author dream about in the story?
  2. What is equality, and why is it important?
  3. Why do people sometimes need to protest for change?
  4. What can we do to help create a world of peace?
  5. How does love play a role in creating a better world?

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