The Cold and Icy North: A Story of Arctic Wonders

In the cold and icy north,
Lives a group of creatures, of all sorts.

A walrus with a big mustache,
Eats clams and mussels in a flash.

A polar bear, strong and brave,
Hunts fish on the frozen waves.

A reindeer, with a red nose,
Pulls Santa's sleigh, that everyone knows.

A penguin, with a tuxedo black,
Waddles and slides, never looking back.

A beluga whale, with a white skin,
Sings a song, that no one can win.

And last but not least, a narwhal,
With a long horn, that's unique and special.

So let's celebrate, these creatures so fine,
Living in the cold, and having a good time.


  1. Which animal in the story do you think is the strongest? Why?
  2. What does the narwhal have that makes it unique?
  3. What is the walrus' favorite food?
  4. Can you think of another animal that lives in the Arctic?
  5. Which animal in the story pulls Santa's sleigh?
  6. Can you think of a song that the beluga whale might sing?
  7. What do you think the penguin would do if it saw a polar bear?
  8. How do you think the narwhal uses its horn?
  9. Do you think the reindeer likes the cold and icy weather? Why or why not?
  10. What would you like to do if you were in the Arctic with these animals?

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